As a new year approaches in my life, I pause to reflect.( I should say I read somewhere that said a new year for someone is really on their birthday-a fiscal year. So if you weren't born on January 1st- What are you saying Happy New Year for? I mean, yeah you're alive currently, but 25 years ago, were you alive then?
Okay makes no sense?
Anyways, it's another milestone, another spin around the sun, one more chance at life, one more chance to make things right.
It's quite obvious trying to sound philosophical too soon isn't working out. Especially being that I would have typed a thousand quotes and expressions on multiple sites already. (maybe)
Anyways, on to the list.
Now my list isn't in any particular order. I'm just listing 25 things that have contributed to and impacted my life. And of course there are biblical lessons as well, but in its entirety, it's my truth and hopefully relatable.
Anyway, to kick off my list:
1. No matter how much you believe you are an expert at planning, life cannot be planned to the minute.
Things happen, both good and bad, and they are frequently unplanned. I'm not saying you shouldn't capitalize on organization, dreams, or faith for that matter. Just know that everything isn't immediately notable and expect the unexpected.
2. The simple things in life are and will always be blessings. That river around the road, that job you sometimes loathe, has many benefits; ice cream on a Sunday, laughter, and, as simple as it seems, walking around the community. It appears to be very mundane, but it's the little things that contribute to humanity and our sense of peace. There's no over-assessing life and being consumed by glamour and just being. Remember that before you decide to sell out a weekend in peace and solitude at the beach for a 7-day-a-week job. (If you have a choice)
3. People will go to extreme lengths for pleasure, and lust will drive people crazy. Yeah, you probably weren't expecting that, but it's nothing but the truth. It is critical to reaffirm your values and stances while also learning to recognize the importance of sex and "fleshy" things in today's society.
4. Tomorrow is not promised, but prayed for. At any minute, anyone can just-die! And it is unfathomable at times when it is our loved ones and people close to us. Life isn't ours forever, so we need to pray for more days and live life honorably.
5. Purpose is needed to lead an effective life and to withstand trials. Many people fail to understand what their purpose is, so they chase life and all it has to offer. But only the creator knows and he has it with him for us to accept. Living a meaningless life will leave you feeling empty , defeated, and depressed.
6. Depression and anxiety have become so overused that people forget that some people are diagnosed with them, and it's more than just a hot topic for a YouTube video or an excuse to do your nails. It is apart of the spectrum of nervous and mental health disorders that can never be too much for others to be educated on.
7. Attempting to mentally prepare yourself for what is to come is more important than doing all the PHYSICAL things you THINK you need to receive everything that is to come. For instance, you got the job you wanted, but the hours you heard about but never actually experienced are driving you nuts. You've always wanted love and a relationship, but you had no idea how difficult such a commitment could be until you realized how frequently you have to communicate.
8. If you don't build your dreams, you will help someone else to build theirs, and they'll think you're okay with that.
9. You're best friend, soulmate, closest friend, buddy, and pal is just another human. No matter how many similarities you have in common, that's a whole other person with their own feelings, and they won't always share the same goals, opinions, or cherish the same things. Brace yourself for let-downs and personality clashes, even from your favorite people.
10. Don't sweat the small stuff. As the book says, it's all just small stuff. Link to the book down below ⤵
I admit it is easier said than done, but really I've realized my biggest worries are often stemmed from the smallest things. I won't worry about walking home late, but look at me worrying about how I'm going to get my hair done. It's small and not worth over-analyzing. When things can't be solved, take them to God, leave them alone, and go to sleep.
11.Build a life for yourself. Go to places, watch series you like, read books, date yourself, paint, go shopping, go to church, whatever you can to build a life for yourself because people will not always be available and this helps you to find you. Not disregarding the importance of community or friends, some things, including growth, you will have to experience alone.
12, "Inner beauty will always conquer. Trust me, I am a beauty lover and a wannabe fashion killer, so let me say this is more about logic than preferences. Your face could be as clear as the cool Jamaican river waters, your body could rival an hourglass or Barbie, and your hair could make Rapunzel reconsider her existence.
But you still want more, still point out flaws only you can see and still have something hidden that you want to fix or maintain because beauty is not only subjective, it can be obsessive. But guess what ? See that unconventionally beautiful woman with wrinkles and some folds on her belly and she's always so warm to each and every person or that dude with the missing teeth but always tells the greatest jokes?? They will be remembered for their character, their beauty inside, and how they made people feel. People will remember how beautifully they did things that you wouldn't dare associate with the word ugly.
13. Social media will either make you feel like a phenomenon or a loser, or worse—a phenomenal loser. Before you go down either slope, check yourself and get off!
14. Love and loving someone is subjective, but ultimately you know when you're unconditionally so. Your first love that you can never remember unless someone asks about it? The guy who came unexpected and had everything you wanted? You moved on despite the fact that your parents were in love with her. You probably severely dislike them or no longer associate with them. Why? Maybe it wasn't love.
15. Females are more competitive than you think and males are more receptive than you think. Yes, there are still women who wonder why your heels are higher than theirs and why you laugh more than they do. And yes, men can be open and some have better empathy than even women.
16. Light can shine in darkness, good can overcome, but a change of scenery won't hurt a person's progress. If I move my plant from the area that hardly gets sunlight to the spot that does, it grows, doesn't it???
17. Not everyone should be a parent. Plain and simple, not everyone is healthy emotionally, physically, financially, and mentally and cannot navigate bringing a child into the world.
18. The world is getting worse-but still spread the gospel, peace and positivity and help others while you can. There are some places with peace beyond compare and some with bloodshed, famine, and war that hurts just to think of it—but it is all happening in the same world. Crime or no crime, man-made disasters or none, God is still going to return either way, so with the gifts he has bestowed on you, help where and when you can.
Isaiah 58 vs 10
If you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then shall your light rise in the darkness and your gloom be as the noonday.
Isaiah 58 vs 7
Is it not to share your bread with the hungry
and bring the homeless poor into your house;
when you see the naked, to cover him,
and not to hide yourself from your own flesh?
19. Learn to walk away-that job, that man or woman, that house or neighborhood, even your own toxic desires, learn how to say bye bye and go elsewhere. You can avoid problems, but as I tell myself every day, "Not every problem has to be my problem, sis."
20. Doing nothing is amazing at times. Reset, Reassess, and Refocus. As a person and especially as a creative, you should always be willing to quiet down and take time off. It may just be what you need to succeed.
21. People watch you in support, envy, surprise, and because YOU "RE JUST THERE" in either way, be authentically and unashamedly you. Whatever you do, be ready to hone it.
22. There is no comparison between a life without God and a life with God. Your eyes and ears are opened. Things you gave a blind eye to are now clearer than ever. Your conscience is alert and your spirit is awake.
23. Don't chase any single person. Your future husband WOULD AND SHOULD know you wear high heels most of the time, so why are you running to twist your ankle ? Your family and friends know you're not the most active, so sis, why are you sweating doing chases? Getting ready doesn't mean you need to put yourself where he's going to be every day. Being a good friend doesn't mean you always call them first. And showcasing your skills doesn't mean your hand has to go up first for every task, only to be overlooked..
24.Value what you value. So because you couldn't get a good job after college, I shouldn't go? Because you were never married, I shouldn't think about it. So because you didn't make it here, I won't either? Because you were uncomfortable doing something, should I be prepared to be uncomfortable as well? Don't let people dictate your priorities. No two people are the same.
Age is just a number. Life doesn't end with age, it ends with death. So as long as you have strength, go and get it. People are the result of their upbringing, experiences, and mindset, not their birth certificate.
26. Not everyone is going to love you, but don't dilute yourself to appease anyone!
2 Corinthians 4:16 ESV
So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day.
Philippians 1 vs 6 ESV
And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.
Another great read once again! Each stages that you had written about were literally advices and they had strengthened my thoughts with confirmation. I needed to hear some of these. Thank you!