Confession 1: I like to speak my mind.
Confession 2. I've been baptized as of January 2, 2024, 7 years now, and I thought about turning back once because of feeling rejected.
Confession 3: fortunately more flawed than I think
Confession 4: I drown in my true feelings.
Confession 5: I am unorthodox.
Confession 6. I wrote about my journey, but without my commentaries, only some might truly be able to decipher it.
Confession 7. A phoenix never dies.
The inception of my book was a way for me to write to God, and then I realized how deeply I felt about certain topics. In all honesty, I didn't publish my book with hopes of becoming famous, yet I hoped a couple of people would appreciate it and ask me, "Why did you say that?" Or "did that really happen to you?". Truth be told ,poetry is the definition of abstract and hyperboles at times, but I like that.
Additionally, even when I write straightforward, there's still mannerisms you wouldn't expect poets to say. It's a combination of slang, phrases, and storytelling, all chalked up and labeled as free verse poetry. I could never write in any other style to be honest with the need to express my all-consuming feelings as an outlet to breathe, to reflect, and even to praise.
A phoenix faces fire, and for the last years of my life, especially as a young Christian, I've been burned more times than I'd liked. Scarred even, trying to do good and ultimately being faced with more challenges. Of course, being the imperfect being that I am, I have had my fair share of making wrong turns and really just having to crawl back. No matter how stubborn I am, my spirit refuses to agree with my body, my flesh, that it can navigate without God.
I always heard people talk about experiences like church hurt or making unchristian-like decisions because of growing tired or feeling worn out. I never understood it until I tasted it, and I refuse to think you are so untouchable when it comes to human nature. Anything can happen to anyone, so it's important to be alert.
My book is an introduction—a very tedious yet satisfactory one, if I do say so myself. It may at first depict me as one note and sorrowful, but it also represents the hope that has always consumed me in spite of my trials. I do believe God will help me and uplift me. I believe that with my recovery, my chance to not only serve but to soar is still available for me to take. I just have to press. To become a gem, you need pressure. And this is not to say we manifest or create trials in our lives, but the bad days are inevitable, yet they build us, so therefore I hold on to the promise of not only eternal life but of days when even the sun and I shine simultaneously, when my tears resemble diamonds and when my pain decreases and my output increases.
I wrote forty poems, an ode to 40 days and 40 nights. There are four stages of the phoenix.
The inception. (Genesis)
The Awakening
The ruination. (Scorched and Ruined)
and the (Revival).
I grouped all 40, with only one belonging to the Revival section, as I am still in the process of healing and soon the sequel will be released. Additionally, I wrote commentaries to give readers a sense of relativeness and realness. I'm talking to them from what I have felt, not just writing because of how good it may sound.
Why you should read?
Not everyone appreciates poetry, art, or even Jesus not to mention vulnerability, but one of them, if not all, can appeal to someone.
Where to find
Writer profile
Scripture references
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
1 John 1 vs 9 NIV
Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.
proverbs 28:13 ESV