Dreams can progress in two ways:
1. We have the option of following our dreams or
2. We simply forget it, with traces of it now and then lingering before us. I'm not necessarily talking about the dreams that you get in the night time and need someone to analyze or decipher (although the dreams I'm talking about can come in that form). I'm referring to the dreams that even while you're awake you can recall, the dreams that create a longing inside you, the dreams that started as a result of something transpiring or simply a desire, a hunger for a greater outcome. I'm referring to the kind of dreams that stay with you and haunt you if you never make a move, the ones that may plunge you into depression because you never acted on the dream. You never instigated to try, although you have confirmed and are certain that it's a God-given dream, or maybe you have tried but to no avail, so you pause.
Dreams are real...
Now let's talk reality. The thing about dreams is that they have to align with reality. The how, what, when, and where of things-almost like an outline. Because the aim of a dream is not to resemble hallucinations, nor is it entirely supposed to be like a lucid dream.
(See definition below.)
You may not know the time, the people to help you or the full extent of what may occur during the process, but you have a vision of how to get started, the execution and what's more than likely to happen.
In today's world and as an aspiring Christian figure (I use aspiring because realistically in multiple ways I have put myself and my faith out there for whomever to see with a particular role in mind). I am sure that I and others like me have dreams of either heralding the faith near or far or simply sharing the story of their encounter with Christ in hopes of reaching someone. It may not be the exact terms, but it's somewhere along the lines of wanting to bring to life a Christ-centered dream. Why? because I've realized that God has given his people dreams. But with everything spiritual comes the physical and, at times, the emotional, mental, financial, and so many other "als".
The bible says that the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak (Matthew 26:41) and I think too often it does not expand on how much the flesh has to go through.
Yes, I said the flesh.
Let's illustrate the setbacks that the flesh may endure while emphasizing that the spirit is unchanging and awaiting our collaboration after seeking and repentance.
John 14:16-18 ESV
16 And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever—17 the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.
1. You know you need to fast for your dream to ensure it is aligned with the will of God.
Then bam! Tonight your family decides to prepare your favorite meal at home, or better yet, none of your Christian friends are fasting, so they all want to go out to the restaurant you have been begging them to try for months now !
2. You need to stay pure in many aspects, and that includes the things you read and watch, as they not only lead to idolatry, but you need to be careful of what you take in-and BAMMM
The new scandalous but addictive series, everyone, including some of your 'church' friends, is watching is having a marathon-and you have been curious.
3. You decide to use social media as a platform, but you start second-guessing yourself because you're not popular enough. You fear that no one will support you, people will mock you, and they'll think you're either too religious or underqualified.
4. You have the vision and you procrastinate because you're waiting on the right time—you're not sure when that is though, because you rarely talk to God for answers and you don't even like advice.
5. You then take a break because things are unclear to you about your faith and your purpose and instead of going to church or even praying more often, you decide to take a one-week vacation ( which is totally fine, we all need to enjoy R & R) but there are no devotions, no prayer journals, not even gospel music, all for a week of frolic and fun !
6. You get depressed and your emotions are spiraling out of control because you know God can use you, but you just don't know why he won't push you to make the move or why he even gave you a dream and you're so unworthy!
7. And the spirit is there, left hungry and wanting just a bit of prayer , just a bit of bible lessons, just a day of fasting to become revived, to instill hope within you again. The spirit wants to help you press on for your dream, but you almost forgot you even had a dream to begin with.
Now lets look at the everyday fleshy dreams that although carnal they are apart of our lives and we can learn a thing or two from them. Ultimately I know not everyone serves my God and not everyone has a dream, Christian or not but the whole idea is that in the midst of pressing towards making that dream come alive there will be setbacks yes, but often times WE push ourselves back because we pour into the wrong things.
Lets use the story of Annie for example.
(Disclaimer- Although relatable entirely fictitious)
She's a young girl from an inner city community, and her family is from the lower-middle class.
She graduates high school and matriculates to college with ONLY a one-year scholarship. She's from a single-parent household with 6 siblings and has a mother that works in the food market with seasonal goods.
She had a cousin from the same community who went to a community college once but had to drop out due to lack of funds. People mock and say Annie should just get a job and save money, as education is not the best option.
Annie, however, has had a dream since she was a child. Now she has to go to college to realize her dream, and she has to go to two schools in Jamaica to qualify as an attorney at law.
Her first year goes by and she doesn't know how she's made it; from getting a side job during the nights as a cashier at a sleazy restaurant, to staying in yet another inner city with a noisy and disrespectful cousin as a roommate due to it being closest to school and for a cheaper but more convenient way.
In addition, she had to stay back most nights and wake early most mornings to use the library to do assignments.
It was difficult, but she had to persevere, and three years passed quickly, and Annie is still standing firm.
Despite having to stay three years with the same cousin, failing two courses and retaking them and paying out of pocket, despite having to use a student loan and having to beg distant relatives, even strangers, to stand as guarantors. She graduated, got her next (although still sleazy) job as a waitress, and moved on to her final two years at law school.
Again, in spite of setbacks, Annie moves on and graduates—this time as valedictorian. A year later, Annie finally got a job in her profession!
Eventually, Annie hears about an overseas job opportunity to work in housekeeping, she migrates, and in the back of her head, she is eager to start law school again!
Three years later, after working two jobs in both a fast food restaurant and housekeeping, she has cleared all her debts in Jamaica and can finally begin to study law again.
She decides to relocate to a state close to her heart and re-enroll in law school!
In the 10 years since her migration, her mother, upon visiting Annie, who is now settled as a defense attorney, says to her daughter with tears in her eyes, "You have worked so hard, but why?"
With a smile, she replies, "I had a dream I would walk in my dad's footsteps as an attorney in the state he was born in." He died the day he graduated, but I lived to carry his legacy. "
Sounds familiar? Many of us have stories like this, especially where businesses, careers, and education are concerned, and I for one think it's beautiful and wholesome. It's inspiring! We press on despite setbacks, challenges, and tears! But this message is not just for the dreamers who only dream of a better life, but for the ones who know there is a better life after this one. The dreamers who don't have the biggest audience, the dreamers like myself who were gifted and chosen to carry on a different legacy. The ones who relate
Matthew 6;19-21 (KJV)
19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:
20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:
21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
This is not to discredit success or to forget how important it is to strive to be the best in many other aspects; it's just a reminder of the ultimate end. How will you work until then to make your God-given dream a reality? The setbacks will come, the tears, the frustration, but you know who you are and you know your purpose. How do you keep your dream alive in a dying world?
You simply continue-
because dreams and God are both real...
Ephesians 2:10 ESV
10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
Numbers 12:6 NKJV
6 Then He said,
“Hear now My words: If there is a prophet among you, I, the Lord, make Myself known to him in a vision; I speak to him in a dream.
Habakkuk 2:2-3 KJV
2 And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.
3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.
Job 33:14 NKJV
For God may speak in one way, or in another,
Yet man does not perceive it.
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